- Access to phpMyAdmin
- How do I create an FTP account? What is the access data?
- How can I create a database? What is the MySQL database access data?
- How to change password for FTP account?
- How to change database password?
- How to delete a page or alias from your platform?
- How to delete your account at
- Is mail() available?
- Do you support FFMPEG?
- How to get access to root?
- Can you increase the CPU usage limit?
- Can I run scgi scripts?
- Will SocialEngine work for you?
- What is the maximum execution time for a php script?
- Can not connect to database
- Is parse_ini_file available on the server?
- Where can I find the php.ini file?
- Is there a limit to the size of the file being uploaded to the server?
- Why on your other pages instead of images show your logo?
- I see the message: "The page or alias you are looking for does not exist"
- I see the message: "Internal Server Error"
- Is mod_rewrite available?
- Is there a remote access to MySQL database?
- Is the JavaScript language supported?
- Do you have SFTP?
- Do you have innodb support?
- What is the memory limit to use for PHP?
- Does the server support Perl or CGI scripts?
- Is there an ionCube Loader available?
- I check IP on the server. It shows me
- Do the servers have pl_PL utf8?
- Do the servers have the php intl extension?
- Strict_mode
- OnLoad and onUnload events
- When I refresh the page, php error information disappears
- The pdo_sqlite module
- The open_basedir option
- Is cURL available?
- Opening html pages as php
- I have a problem with $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
- Page/directory protection with .htaccess and .htpasswd
- Does node.js work?
- Function "exec" is available?
- Is the "session.auto_start" function available?
- Is the GD graphics library for PHP available on the server?
- Is Docker available?